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It's so much more than just worshipping at NLBC.
At NLBC, we believe that ministry leadership involves guiding and serving a faith community with a focus on spiritual growth, service, and mission. Ministry leaders are responsible for modeling Christ-like character, teaching biblical principles, and equipping others to live out their faith in everyday life. Effective ministry leadership is collaborative, adaptive, and grounded in prayer, with a commitment to fostering unity, compassion, and a deep connection to God’s purpose for the community.
Deacons Ministry
Chairperson: George Nappier
Vice Chairperson: Matthew Lee
Secretary: **VACANT**
Chaplain: Andrea Thornton
Deaconess Ministry
Chairperson: Gloria Holt
Vice Chairperson: Eileen Hopson
Secretary: Dr. Anjour Harris
Chaplain: Theresa Lee
Trustee Ministry
Chairperson: Jane Parker
Vice Chairperson: Jake Holt
Secretary: Vernessa Greene
Chaplain: Betty Johnson
Finance Ministry
Chairperson: Dr. Anjour Harris
Vice Chairperson: **VACANT**
Secretary: **VACANT**
Chaplain: **VACANT**
Audio/Visual Ministry
Ernest Bashikako
Zin Cambridge
Children's Church Ministry
Chairperson: Joann Seward
Vice Chairperson: Tiffany Parker
Secretary: Imani Davis-Gordon
Chaplain: **VACANT**
Christian Education Ministry
Chairperson: Rev. Erica Daniels
Raymond Daniels
Sandra Singleton
Joann Seward
Demetrist Waddy
Teresa Rawlings
Pamela Thomas
Greeters Ministry
Chairperson: Patricia Thompson
Vice Chairperson: Dora Crawley
Secretary: Starline Pittman
Chaplain: Mable Nappier
Men's Ministry
Chairperson: Raymond Daniels
Vice Chairperson: George Nappier
Secretary: Dale Cottrell
Chaplain: Andy Johnson
Missionary Ministry
Chairperson: Valeria Nash
Vice Chairperson: Priscilla Harris
Secretary: Katherine Jones
Chaplain: Francis Tyler-Jones
New Members Ministry
Chairperson: Pamela Thomas
Vice Chairperson: Frances Tyler-Jones
Secretary: D'uana Keeve
Chaplain: Eileen Hopson
RISC Ministry
Chairperson: Pamela Thomas
Vice Chairperson: **VACANT**
Secretary: **VACANT**
Chaplain: **VACANT**
Scholarship/Education Ministry
Chairperson: Sandra Singleton
Vice Chairperson: Dr. Patricia Rascoe
Secretary: Demetrist Waddy
Chaplain: Joann Nappier
Sunday School Ministry
Chairperson: Demetrist Waddy
Vice Chairperson: Matthew Lee
Secretary: Andrea Thornton
Chaplain: Arthur Thornton
Male Ushers Ministry
Chairperson: Breon Thomas
Vice Chairperson: Julian Holloman
Secretary: Dale Cottrell
Chaplain: Terrence Singleton
Royal Ushers Ministry
Chairperson: Vernessa Greene
Vice Chairperson: Brenda Dabney
Secretary: Sandra Crenshaw
Chaplain: Jane Parker
Senior Ushers Ministry
Chairperson: Debra Nappier
Vice Chairperson: Christine Fuselier
Secretary: **VACANT**
Chaplain: Patricia Nappier
Women's Ministry
Chairperson: Teresa Rogers
Vice Chairperson: Sandra Singleton
Secretary: Pamela Thomas
Chaplain: Dora Crawley
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